Thursday, April 2, 2009

Pink Paislee Spring Blog Hop and Giveaway!! Starts Friday Morning at 9am !

It's time for the Pink Paislee Spring Blog Hop! Here are the details....Go to to find links to all the design teams blogs and then leave a comment on each persons blog to have a chance to win the prize pack below!

The drawing for the winners will be on Sunday so you MUST comment on my blog post (and all the other DT members blogs if you want!)to be entered into the giveaway!

So that you can get to know us all a little better, Rebecca wrote up a little questionnaire for us to all go to our blogs (by going HERE)and learn a bit about us and be inspired by our Pink Paislee Spring Projects!

My 11 Questions!!

1.) Where did you grow up? Do you still live there?
Are you ready for the list? Oh My....these are in chronological order....
Salt Lake City
Rhode Island
San Diego,California
Springfield, Va
San Diego, Ca
Corpus Christi, TX
Jacksonville, Fla
Oak Harbor, WA
Corpus Christi, TX
San Diego, Ca
Crazy, huh? I was a Navy brat and now a Navy wife!

2.) What is a typical day like for you?
Up at 7am, coffee, kids to school, coffee, computer, scrapbooking, house cleaning, crafting or scrapbooking, pick up kids, homework, dinner, TV or activity with kids, bedtime for kids, read or computer, bed at 11pm. Wake up at 3am, can't surf :)!!

3.) What is your favorite fashion accessory? Why?
My bird charm bracelet by bebeandyaya

4.) What is playing on your ipod right now?
Sadly, I don't have an ipod....:(

5.) Name one television show that you MUST TIVO each week?
The Biggest Loser

6.) What is your favorite movie of all time?
Knocked Up (I know, I know.........inappropiate..but it makes me laugh until I cry)

7.) What is your favorite Pink Paislee product?
The Pixee Stix for sure!! But a CLOSE second is the Vintage Moon Accents Pressons .

8.) If you could only keep 1 scrapbooking tool what would it be?
Fabri-Tac, my miracle glue!

9.) If you didn't scrapbook what other activity would you spend time on?
Crafting or painting.

10.) What advice would you give to someone who wants to start scrapbooking?
Do what works for YOU.

11.) What would you say your scrapbook style is today?
I would say kind of a "Shabby, Vintage Flea Market Look"...and oh yeah, busy, busy, busy!

OK, now for my Spring Project........I altered a left over glass jar from Prima flowers...I KNOW that you all have some of these! I just used Fabric-Tac to adhere it to the glass...and then adhered the cute little chicks and some Easter grass to the top. Curled and tied a bow around the lid and filled it with Spring M&M's! So easy!!

Have a Happy Spring and GOOD LUCK!!

I have had some emails about the "SPRING" stamp on the front of the bottle. I found some for sale HERE !!


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Zarah said...

That jar is adooooorable!! ♥

It's funny that there are so many places in the states that have names of cities in th erest of the world! I nevr knew there was a Moscow in USA. Now i know.
And it'd great to learn more about you. :)

Bridget said...

Spring M&M's? They look really cute! I wish we had those here in Finland..

The jar is really beautiful!

Abby said...

Love your project and that curly pink ribbon! I'm gonna have to look for some of that magic glue you talked about. ;) Thanks for the chance to win! I {HEART} Pink Paislee!

Tracy said...

Love your gorgeous little glass bottle full of yummy m&ms,so cute.
enjoying the blog hop and thanks for the chance of winning the scrummy stash.

Drika said...

This is soooo sweet!!!

jeanie de la rama said...

lovely project. thanks for a chance to play. :)

Anonymous said...

would love to win this - gian de la rama

Cindy S. said...

WOW! You childhood moving sounds ALOT like mine! (except in Canada!) FAB project and I went and peeked at your mini and I have to say- DAH-ROOL!!! WOWZAHS!!

Scrapbookdoll said...

love the m&m can
I was born and raised in eeklo belgium and moved 21 years ago to oosteeklo belgium 15 km from where i was born....and i love it here :-)

Anonymous said...

Without a LSS around, I would love to win some new spring product!

julie.schellin said...

thanks so much for a chance to win this lovely stuff!

Anonymous said...

The jar looks Yummie!!!
What a lovely easter give away.
Nice to know a bit more about you.
Thanks for this chance to win.

Anonymous said...

Your little spring jar is adorable! What a sweet gift for anyone that would be! Thanks for the chance to win!

Danielle Flanders said...

That's so cute, Katie!! Had fun reading about you!

bev said...

so cute and lots of inspiration...looking forward to more ideas and maybe a little prize!

Aimee Ann said...

thanks for the chance to win! gorgeous projects!

Hanna Long said...

Your projects are so fun and creative.

Tracy Johnson said...

Oh what a darling "green" project. Love it, and can't wait to go hopping around and see some more. Your blog is so inspiring!

Kristen Pare said...

Lovely project! Thanks for sharing and the chance to win.

Unknown said...

Oh my goondess, this is absolutely DARLING!!! L♥VE,love, love this!
Happy Spring!

Cassi said...

Very cute, and now I feel like I must eat M&Ms today!

Dawn in OKC said...

darling idea for the jar. thanks for the chance to play!

Anonymous said...

so cute katie! I love your work! I can't wait for your next class! :) create a great day!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lisa said...

Too adorable! M&M's are my fav...didn't think I could love them more, but your cute little chickie bottle had me falling in love all over again! lol! Always a fan of your work! Hope you have a great weekend!

Jenny said...

Nice job! Love Pink Paislee designs!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Katie. Love Pink Paislee.

GretaB said...

I'm really enjoying the blog hop and seeing all the fun projects. I just wish I could go home and play with my scrap stuff. The jar is adorable and the little chicks are the perfect touch.

Unknown said...

That jar is so cute!

Liz Michaud said...

This is a fun blog hop. Your blog is great! Thanks for a chance to win some goodies!

Meghan S said...

Really cute project. Love the spring sticker. Your all very creative.

Thanks for the chance to enter.

Linh C. said...

What an adorable jar of yummy treats!

Amy said...

What a fun and creative goodie jar! I love it!

Robs said...

Happily following your blog DAILY. The jar is adorable!!!

SusieScrapper said...

Wonderful projects and thanks for the chance to win some PP goodies!!

Candice said...

Very cute project!! i love that it's another use for all of those empty bottles!!

Stacy Branson said...

ADORABLE! Those chicks are too tweet! Thanks for sharing!

krista said...

Cuuuuuuute jar Katie! I want to eat those M&Ms :)

Anonymous said...

That turned out so cute!!! Nice work on the grass. ;) Hey, got your email and Chloe LOVES LOVES LOVES the banner. It is even prettier in her room!!! I've been so crazy busy this week that I haven't had a chance to take a photo, but I will. It is REALLY pretty!

Michelle @ AMM

Patricia Manley said...

WOW, what a cute project! I love it! Thanks for a chance at winning :)

Anna/Augusti_73 said...

I {heart} the jar! And I wish they had the spring colored M&M's over here... *sigh*
Happy Easter!

connie said...

cute jar! I need this for work. I always have a bag of plain M&M's to snack on.

Cassandra West said...

Great idea!! Love the little chicks!!

Laina said...

Perfect idea for those jars and yes I have them! LOL
Those chickies on top are soo cute!

Fiorella said...

Happy Spring to you! Nice jar, thank you!

Anonymous said...

so cute !!!

and thanks for the chance !!!


Ashley Harris said...

OH so cute! Funny how I recognize all those places even Moscow (Moscoe) Idaho!

Jessy Christopher said...

Cool jar!! I always enjoyed looking at altered item! Lovely! TFS

Unknown said...

I have to do a whimsy jar this week and OMG this is perfect!!!!!Thank you

Nancy Thomas said...

Oh that is cute and so do-able too! Wow, you have moved around a lot!

Kathy said...

Beautiful! Thankyou for the chance to enter the draw.

Alex said...

What a beautiful jar!!! Adorable!

Thanks for a chance to win!

Susan Coish said...

Very cute! What an adorable little gift to give someone!

Jingle said...

Your project is so cute! I am getting so many wonderful ideas!

Cori-Lyn said...

Super Cute!!!! One can never have to many M and Ms!

Anonymous said...

too cute! thanks for sharing. have a great weekend!

Trish said...

Katie that jar is just DARLING!! Love your other projects too--I'll be back to visit soon!! Thanks for sharing your awesome ideas here!!

Gracie Ann Tan said...

That is one lovely jar. And I love those pastel colored M&Ms in it. TFS and for the chance at winning.

Monica said...

So sweet! I love the little chicks. Very cute.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the chance to win!

danni reid. said...

this is the cuuuuutest little spring jar, spring m&m's and all, wow!

Heidi Y said...

Loving 'hopping' all around and learning about the PP team! Love your project!!

rachaelwood said...

I was a Navy wife too, for 6 years. So I feel ya! So many great things to go along with the complaints! Great M&M's jar!

Heather Turner said...

That is a great little gift idea!

salme said...

Could it get anymore cuter? That jar is so pretty and the chicks are perfect!

delphinescrap59 said...

your project is so beautiful ! i love it ! thanks for the chance to win !

Anonymous said...

your m&m jar is adorable! and m&ms in spring colors? i never knew!!

tjolley said...

Awesome work, Katie, you rock!

Amy Adams (aka Scrapitgal) said...

What an adorable little chickie jar - it would be a shame to open it, but yum - love m & m's!! I'm off you find that glue you spoke of! Thanks for the chance to win! said...

Love the jar - thanks for sharing!

Lisa Spiegel said...

So kaaayute!!!

Anonymous said...

the little chicks on top are so cute,

Jennifer Hansen said...

What a fun project!

Eva said... cute is those little chickies...

Unknown said...

i think that jar is adorable and i LOVE the spring Lettering. so cute

Unknown said...

what a cute project - love it

AllyW said...

Holy cow you've lived a lot of places!! Great project! I like the curled ribbon hanging down.

Anonymous said...

very cute! thanks for the spring inspiration!

pattyb said...

The jar is so cute. I have a ton of baby food jars I have saved and I think I might try your idea. Thanks for a peak in your life. My list of lived in cities is pretty large kids love to tell everyone that each one of them was born in a different state. Great!

Mary - said...

this is the cutest little easter treat jar that i have seen. love the little chickies that you added to the top - adorable! thx for the pink inspo &have a fab friday! :) hugs, m-

Cindy said...

Absolutely adorable!! Thanks for sharing.

ScrapNSister1 said...

What a great use for those empty prima bottles. Love the little chickees!

Cynthia Baldwin said...

ooo - my little girl would be all over your colorful and cute jar of M&M's. (heck, so would I! :D)
Great to learn more about you - thanks for the Pink Paislee inspiration!

kim harter said...

I love hearing about all of you guys it is so funny how you really find out how much you have in common with each person. great little project

Nann said...

Your jar is just too cute.

BethW said...

I just emptied a bunch of jars-spring organizational frenzy-and now I have somethng to do with them. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

what a cute little project! love it! :-)

Anonymous said...

What a fab way to dress up a jar Katie!!! I love it :)

Leslie said...

Love how you decorated that jar! Cute, cute, cute!

roree said...

Super cute project! Thanks for the chance to win!

Jenny said...

I do have lots of those bottles and now I can't wait to try this project! Thanks for the inspiration!

Julianna said...

adorable project!! and I recognized quite a few of those locations in your list from my own time as a Navy brat ;)

Elizabeth Bracco said...

OMG! I love the little peeps on the lid. The colors are very springy. Great job!

Amber said...

Cuuute projects! Love 'em!

Kathy Nichols said...


Anonymous said...

Love your projects, I am so ready for Spring, and those prizes from Pink Paislee, are just awessome,


Amy W. said...

how cute is that candy container?!!! loved reading about you today. i've enjoyed your blog also.

have a creative weekend,

Amy W.

Aisha Powell said...

I just love little duckies. Soo cute. Love the prizes..fingers crossed. Luv ur work. Thanks, Aisha

ruth said...

How cute is that jar? :)

Maria Therese said...

how cute jar!

Debbie O'Neal said...

Hoppin' Down the Bunny Trail with BIG PINK PAISLEE GRIN ON MY FACE !!! This is so much fun...thanks for all the inspiration. I have a ton of those prima jars and think I will make some jelly bean jars using your idea....I just love those little chicks on top!

Valeen said...

hehehe - I thought Knocked Up was quite cute too!

Chissy Le said...

Love the chickies! Yep, Fabri-Tac rocks!

Unknown said...

Yummy...M&M's, my favorite!

SusanHanna said...

i love this blog hop because I am discovering so many NEW inspirations! I had a ball browsing lots and lots of your projects -- so many that really touched me! The jar was precious but the mini albums below really WOWed me.

Gabrielle said...

Loving the lil' chickie project! So cute!

Thanks for the Fabritac obsession! I'm addicted! :)

Anonymous said...

Oh!!!That is so cute!
Love your cupcake too!

Ally said...

Yay for ways to win Pink Paislee!

danielle said...

thoes are really cute. i would love them

Tiffany said...

That is such a great idea. I love reusing things to package gifts. What a cute idea. Thanks!!

Karen said...

What an adorable litte jar. Those little chickies on top are so adorable!

Unknown said...

This project will be perfect to do for my preschool class. Love it!

Tammy Wilson said...

Mmm, your project looks absolutely yummy! Thanks for letting us get to know you better! :)

Tricia Wilson said...

Those little chickies are too stinkin' cute! What an adorable project.

Angela said...

Ohhhh, that is the BEST use of those little chicks I've ever seen. Tho I can't replicate it because one of my cats LOVES to play them. He's all, destroy! Destroy! It's pretty cute though.

mitch1066 said...

hoppity hop...spring is here...lovely colours ,great crafts!

kimberly bishop said...

love your ideas so much fun all these pink paislee goodies so much fun to play with ....thanks

Unknown said...

Hey Katie! Love your candy jar. I must admitt... I visit your blog daily. My friends and I say we are Katie stalkers! We all love your work and thank you so much for sharing! We all wish for you to come to N. CA. and teach some classes! hint :)

Anonymous said...

the jar totally rocks!!!!!!!! I should make some for easter, thanks for the inspiration and cool contest!

kateisner said...

such a cute, cute project. okay now I am off to Michaels or J's to find those chickies. I am a Navy wife too but lucky enough to never have moved.

val said...

what a sweet project! so easy and absolutely adorable! where on earth do you find those precious little chicks??? thanks so much for this!!! val

Anonymous said...

That is so cute. I'm always trying to think of ways to alter things.

Anonymous said...

love those little chickies at the top!

Mrs. Spotts said...

Oh my that is cute! I love those little chickies!

Lulu said...

That jar is super cute :) Loved learning more about you too!

Unknown said...

I love this Katie. You know I am a big fan of yours and your work is amazing.

EmmaJ said...

Cute little jar! I see you haven't made it to Key West yet. We have a fun Navy base here.

Carmen said...

Nice job Katie, love your project.

Natalie said...

I was in the Navy now I am inspired by your creativity. I love this Spring Blog Hop, so many creative ideas, now if you can give me some time :) said...

Cute project!!

Heather said...

Katie - I love your little treat jar - so cute!!

antenucci said...

I have some of those products, I might have to try that jar it is so cute.

Jamie Dougherty (jaylynn) said...

I see you live in San Diego. I think ?!?! I saw your next class at Cool Scrapbooks am I wrong? Your work is beautiful!! Glad I found your blog. Now I'll head on over to Pink :)

Angel1 said...

HI Katie-I think it's great that of all the places you have lived you are back in San Diego, otherwise I would never have meet you. I am glad to know that I am not the only one who does not own an Ipod. Love the things you make with the pink paislee paper. You are an inspiration.

ScrapAddict21 said...

Very sweet project. Making me hungry!

Anne Hall said...

cute jar! your cupcake and cosmo cricket albums are fabulous! wish I lived closer to take some of your classes

Dana Gustafson said...

Cute idea! I love those little fluffy chicks!!

Random Acts of Krafting said...

Fluffy yellow chicks and goodies! Nice Job.

Valerie Bishop said...

How adorable!!! I love your project and pink paislee..thanks for a chance to win some awesome goodies!!

loranne said...

Hi Katie, I saved you for last, the BEST. I love your blog. I have had fun hoppin down the bunny trail and now I am inspired to get to work since I just bought the Enchanted line and the ATC carousel yesterday at Paper Tales. I was inspired by your ATC carousel on display there. Love your work. Look forward to your future classes. Hoppy Easter

HCJC said...

Thanks for the chance to win those gorgeous products! Blog hopping is FAB. HCJC.

Samantha said...

Holy cr@p...
I am #141 and it is only 10am!!!!
Your jar is is your new blog banner(how did u do that?) love love the houses for Maya Road.....nice milkcaps...xo Sam

Jamie Dougherty (jaylynn) said...

The little chicks are soo cute, and the whole idea is awesome thank you for sharing :)

Nicole said...

Cute! Would make such a great gift

Adora Concepcion said...

what an awesome idea! so adorable!

Shirley said...

I love it! You could make jars for different seasons and fill with all kinds of candies.

Nikki said...

How sweet! I love those little chicks on the top, so cute! Thanks for sharing with us!

Lal said...

That is a cute and creative way to reuse those jars! Love it!

toni said...

I love to create something to hold something, and your jar is so cute...thanks

Rebecca said...

Love your work! Great spring project. See you at Reflections in just a few weeks!!

Anonymous said...

oh so cute!!!! Did you charm bracelets? Oooo i am getting weak!! LOL

Linda E said...

That jar is just too cute. Thanks for sharing it. Thanks, too, for the great giveaway!

Jane... said...

Perfect Easter Treat....THANKS

Trisha L. said...

I love your blog and you project is super cute!!

angie worthington said...


kasmello said...

Jar is great...Cupcake is Fantastic

julie r. said...

this is so cute..cute..cute!!!

Melissa Bove said...

Soo adorable!! Love your jar!

Thanks for a chance!!

Hugs, Melissa

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

The jar is cute!! I absolutely LOVE your header!!

Thank you for the chance to win!

=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com

Sophia said...

How cute is that MM storage jar with chicks...

Great prize there...

scrapinmeme said...

That would be really cute for my grandson's class, thanks for the idea and the chance to win. Brenda

Unknown said...

really cute. I so might have to do these. Thanks for sharing.

Jackie - aka funhockeymom25 said...

so cute!! thanks for sharing!

Andrea Schultz said...

Sooo stinkin cute! The chickies on top are the perfect touch. Your work is beautiful, thanks for sharing it with us!

PattiM said...

Theres a cute idea for all those jars I have... Thanks for the inspiration! I love your album posted below the blog hop post....Hope you have a great day!


(Pattie's passion)

I Scrap So All Moments Are Remembered!!

Anonymous said...

I am SO lifting this idea! How cute!

Kim said...

Great jar! I love the font you used for Spring! Great job!

madcapfrenzy said...

Awh. That jar is so cute. I love the chickies!

Cathy Pascual said...

what a cute project!
thanks for the chance to win the kit!

Lindsay said...

That jar is so very cute - love the curled ribbon! Have a fantastic weekend! :)

sharyncarlson said...

What a beautiful project! -Sharyn

Ginny said...

I love decorating jars..thanks for the ideas

JuliesAddiction said...

Love your little treat jar!!

Andrea said...

Yummy! and thanks for the glue "tip"

Terri ( Meterr) said...

OH WOW!!! I love that jar!!! I have so many of those little chics its not even funny! Now i have something to use them on!!! Keep up the great work!

Michelle said...

Such a sweet project! :) Yum!
Moving around like that would drive me crazy!!! :)

Rebecca said...

That's a great idea for teacher gifts, or anyone gifts, LOL!

shopgirlaudi said...

Love the container. The chicks are such a cute touch:)

Angel said...

Wow you sure did not stay in one place did
Love your treat Jar and the Chicks are too Cute..
Thanks for the chance in the Giveaway..

Morag Cutts said...

Totally cute! I'd love to receive such a sweet gift this easter :)

Unknown said...

A perfect jar for M&M in spring colours. Now I want some!!!!!!

Amooretto said...

Your day sounds a lot like mine...except I go to bed around 2am!! LOL I love that "chicky jar"!!! I might have to make some of these! Thanks for the inspiration :)

LAuclair said...

What cute projects! Love your blog!

Carol Weimer said...

Oh these would be so fun to make for my students. Cute, cute, cute. Thanks for the great ideas.

Pegg S said...

I love how you recycled something you had!!!! Such a cute little treat for someone!

Lacey said...

Aw that is a darling Candy Jar!! I want to go home and create right now! Thanks for the inspiration!

My name is Danielle::::Welcome to Live, Love & Create said...

Love the project and your blog is FULL of inspiring ideas. Thanks!!

Scrappy Running Me said...

what a cutie patootie little jar of goodies!

Denise said...

Your Project is adorable. I just happen to have a Prima flower jar ready for some primping!

rudie2shoes said...

the chickies on the jar is absolutely adorable.

Anonymous said...

So cute!

Diane said...

Darling little "peeps" ryour blog, I have been cruising thru it...lots of great inspiration!!! Thanks for sharing!!

Jennifer said...

Thank you so much for sharing! Such a cute spring project!

Jenn in Vancouver

Maria said...

Love the little chickies!!!

Thanks for the chance to win.

Lynn said...

Love your works!
I'm a faithful blog reader and thanks for the chance to win a giveaway! :)

Amy Arthur said...

What a great idea for those bottles!!!

Jennifer Schmidt said...

Oh this is adorable! What a sweet little gift :) Thanks for the chance to win these awesome goodies!

Nancy L. said...

wow, a lot of places :)
thanks for the chance to win some candy!

Carole said...

Your jar is darling and LOVE your Queen book for your daughter -

cas said...

Oh my gosh...toooooo cute! I'm always amazed at what you designers come up with....sooooo inspiring! Great job!

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