Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Well, tomorrow is the day....send good thoughts and prayers for my sweet little Hannah...

Tomorrow at 6am we have to be at the hospital. Hannah's surgery is at 7:30. I thought the doc said that it would take 2.5 hours but my hubby says he said 3-4. So by lunch Hannah will be done. If you need a background go to Hannah's Surgery.
Last night the wheel chair got was a sobering sight. It made it all real...4-5 weeks...could be worse I guess...

We had family over to hang out for a little while. I didn't cry all night until I saw Maddy hugging Hannah before she left to spend the night at her auntie's...and she held her so tight...I think she may have been a little forgotten in this whole process....

I took a picture of Hannah's ankles tonight..just to remember..this is with her standing straight...if she's not paying attention, her feet turn inward alot and collapse even more. When she's walking, those ankle bones almost touch the ground...this will soon be will the legs (can't believe that they are breaking my little girl's legs....)and feet.

So, tomorrow...say a prayer for my daughter Hannah...It will be a couple of days until I can post again...we'll see how it goes..wish I had a laptop. I'm sure she will be fine and all will go well..but I'm still scared...I'll keep in touch, soon!


  1. you'll be in my thoguhts and prayers katie!!

  2. Prayers that everything goes beautifully and her recovery is simple and quick!

    Hugs to you too- it is always so hard on the Mama.

  3. You and you family will be in my thoughts and prayers today Katie...Hope all goes will as I am sure it will. Make sure you tell Hannah lots of people are thinking of her and wishing her well.

  4. Totally thinking about sweet Hannah today! I will say a prayer for both of you! Tkae care and give us an update on how it went yesterday. BIG HUGS for you, Hannah and Maddy!

    Michelle @ AMM

  5. Katie, I'm praying for your family that the recovery is speedy and that it's not too hard on Mom. I'm wishing Hannah well thoughts.

  6. I'll be praying for beautiful Hannah as well. Jesus will take care of her. Katie, you'll be in my prayers too.

  7. Prayers and Blessings coming your way.

  8. Katie, I am praying for Hannah's surgery & speedy Recovery.. Huggs and Prayers for you.

  9. Katie - my thoughts are with you today that Hannah has a uneventful surgery and a speedy recovery.

    If you need anything . . . don't hesitate to call me.

    Thinking of you guys,

  10. I do pray that her surgery will go well and that her recovery will be speedy. It's hardest on the moms, isn't it? I'll be praying for you as well.

  11. Thinking of you & Hannah.

    I hope she heals quickly.

  12. Sending good thoughts and prayers for Hannah!!!

    (And HUGS for Mommy)


  13. Thinking of you today dear. Hope you're hanging in there and that all is well.

  14. Katie, you and Hannah will be in my prayers. I know all will go well for Hannah! Remember to take care of yourself too!

  15. i spent many months in Shriner's Hospital for Crippled Children as a child starting when i was 2 again in the 4th grade and last time i was in the 7th grade.Back then you had to stay in the hospital the whole time(3 months at a time).When i was born my mom was told i'd never walk and after my first surgery i walked.Having said that i can tell you that Hannah will thank you time and time again for giving her the chance to have her legs fixed and walk well. Today however she may think she was crazy to do this.
    i hope this will encourage you both and know i've thought about you all throughout the day.
    clarol use to make a dry shampoo called Psssst that works well between shampoos.
    I am now a critical care nurse and may have lots of ideas to help you once home with questions. feel free to email me.
    i pray sweet Hannah comfort and courage and faith and encouragement for you all. Blessings on you and your family and may your holidays be sweet. ms.cheryl

  16. Katie,
    My thoughts are with you and your family. Hope you are hanging in there.

    Debbie H.

  17. I'll be thinking of you and I'm positive you'll be fine Hannah! This is a good thing :o)
    I think your mum needs more hugs than you will! :o)

  18. Saying prayers, and keeping pictures of straight ankles, great bones, smiling surgeons, happy parents in my thinking.
    So enjoyed meeting you at Paper Tales, Carly loves her banner, and we have to get girls together-

  19. Keeping Hannah & your family in my thoughts...all will go well:)

  20. I just stumbled on to your blog site from Two I know this is an older post from you, and I have looked over some of the newer ones and see your daughter is doing well...I'll be praying that continues. While I certainly don't wish anything like this to ever happen to anyone, I do thank you for being candid and sharing what you have gone through...I hope it encourages others who may have to go through similar things in the future.
