Friday, December 19, 2008

Update on Hannah

I just have a minute, as I have to run out the door back to the hospital but wanted to update you all a little.
The surgery went well, they didn't run into any unexpected problems....but my poor little Hannah is in a world of pain.
Her legs hurt so bad....and she is swelling, which is normal...she says that her legs are going "Beat, beat, beat..." they cranked the casts a little looser (they put little cuts in them with a crank screw thingy to make the looser when swelling occurs)...and she has drains in her cuts to drain out the extra fluid...I just try not to look at them because they are yucky!
The poor girl is still throwing up though....I guess it's her Morphine...but it's made her puke for 24 hours now. She is not feeling well at all. They are going to take her off of it today and put her on Tylenol (we'll see how that goes...with the amount of pain she's in...I can't imagine Tylenol doing the trick).
The other thing is that she has a bad stomach ache. It started actually a couple of days before the surgery, we chalked it up to nerves. But it hurts to even touch her stomach at all...she won't let us feel it or let us put blankets on her even. They had a general surgeon come up to look at her and she said that it seemed OK but ordered some blood work. We'll see.
So, Derek took first shift last night and I came home around 9 to take care of Maddy and get her off to school. He was up all night...poor guy. I'm off to break him so he can get some sleep.
She is supposed to come home tomorrow but it's not set in stone so we'll play it by ear and see. Anyway, gotta run...wish us all luck today!


  1. thank you for keeping us posted Katie. I am so sorry she's hurting but so glad everything went as expected. Still thinking of you and sending you much love!

  2. Hugs, Katie. I hope the tylenol does the trick. I'm thinking and praying for you all.

  3. I'm so glad that you posted today because I was thinking about you guys.

    Oh my goodness, I sure know how sleepless nights at the hospital feels! My heart goes out to you you, Hannah, Derrick and Maddy! You said her stomach hurt ~ has she been able to go to the bathroom? Chloe has had that reaction to some medications and it's not fun! Hopefully tonight you guys can get a little rest and I'll say a prayer that the Tylenol will help. Kids have such a low tolerance for pain, so I'm hoping that it will be fine for her. BIG hugs! Still thinking about you guys.

    Michelle @ AMM

  4. Oh poor thing! I hope this passes very quickly! I'm glad to hear the surgery went well though!

  5. We have been thinking of y'all all day and My Joleigh Belle and I have been saying special prayers for Hannah and your Family.
    Good to hear that all went well and I hope that she feels better tomorrow,the drugs can be so harsh on their little tummies.
    I hope she gets some pain relief and that all of you rest easier tonight.

  6. Just checking in to see how things are going for yall. Hope Hannah feels better soon and you all get to come home soon. Sending out Hugs and lots of Prayers to your family in this rough time.

  7. Oh I'm so sorry. Please let me know what I can do to help!

  8. Oh this has got to be so hard for you. I hope all goes well and she is feeling better quickly so she is not hurting! Poor baby! Don't forget to take care of you too!

  9. Thanks for the update. I'm praying for Hannah and your family. I hope she's feeling better soon. And I hope you and your family are too.

  10. Oh I hope tomorrow will be a better day for all of you!! I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers!
