Sunday, March 8, 2009

Wow and more kits available!

What a great class I had on Saturday. I love getting together with the women that take my classes. They are kind and fun and just wonderful. Sometimes I know them and most times I don't :) ! When you teach, there are definitely different kinds of groups. They are all great but there is that "feeling" with some groups. This was one of those groups that just had that great feeling. They were quiet (which sometimes scares I told home when the girls are quiet..that usually means "bad news"..they are up to something) and focused....and very sweet. They all did a great job and I even had some beginners in my class...who if they hadn't told me they were beginners, I would have never guessed. They were wonderful, really. I left my class very happy.

All went well, I only had 1 wrong measurement, but not so bad for writing instructions without the book (I left it at the store)..don't worry, those that ordered kits, Randy(i?) fixed the handouts for me.
So, like I said before, I get so worried before a class. Nervous that something will go really wrong. All went well for this class. Gena was more then, that woman has it together...she is one organized girl. She knows her business and is such a supportive and encouraging person.

I left my class and went straight to a work party for Derek. We met there after my class. He took the girls...and not that I'm controlling about what my girls wear...but there is a line that I just don't cross...and he does. They were semi-matching (ignoring the fact that Maddy had sweat pants on that said "hoops" right across her butt....a bunch of biggie ;) and comfy....but the hair was a let's just call it full-bodied. Which is actually OK....nobody in my family has to be perfect, they just have to be nice. That's my only requirement...well, I guess that's not entirely 17 year old son just has to get through the day without punching someone out..and we'll call it a good day.

OK, so ANYWAY....(I'm a rambler...really...I would be a good hotline operator).... My class SOLD OUT......and all the kits too....and Gena has convinced me to do some more kits. So, I am going to offer a few more (I just put in my order to PP and MR). So, if you want a kit of my class (worth the money in product, trust me) and full set of instructions and pictures then just call Cool Scrapbook Stuff and you can put in an order. They take Paypal and will ship it to you. I do have a few things on my supply list that you may need for the class, Gena will be happy to add what you need to your shipment. She also has EVERYTHING under the if there is a certain line that you are looking for (HERE is a list of some stuff she has)...just ask...because chances are, she has it and she would be happy to stick it in your box.

Here is the supply list-

“Lucky Me”
Katie Watson
Supply List
(Most supplies should be in stock at the store, ask for help locating them)

Please bring with you-A piece of sandpaper or sanding tool
Brown distress ink(I use Ranger Distress Ink-Walnut Stain)
Ink Blending Tool (I use the Ranger Inkessentials Blending tool and foam pad, it is the best) or ink dauber. We need a good blended inked edge.
Corner Rounder
Paper Trimmer
Paper Piercer
Black Fine Tip Permanent Pen
(I use Sharpie)
White Pen (I use the Signo-Uniball white Pen or the Ranger Inkessentials white pen)
Fabri-Tac by Beacon Adhesives (this is hands down the best paper crafting glue)
White acrylic paint
Paint brush or foam brush
Ranger Crackle Paint (Blue Jeans)
Rubon tool
Fiskars Threading Water Punch

Martha Stewart Rose Leaf punch
Scrapbooking Tweezers (I use the ones made by Fiskars called Tweezer Bees, I have found that it is so much easier to glue and adhere elements using these, they are not essential but a definite luxury)

This class will be a little bit different then my usual class. Normally, you would just make the exact same book or project. This time it will be a bit more of a creative journey for you. You will have ALL the same supplies that I used to make this book. Your cover will be the same and the basic ingredients of each page will be the same as the sample but your details will be different. You will have different pictures so your titles will be different. Your titles will match your pictures so depending on the size of your title, it may change your pages a bit. I will have pictures and sketches of each page for you so it will make it easy to customize your pages. I used special pictures, all things that make me feel “Lucky”, big things and little random things. I converted them all to black and white so that I had a flowing scheme but also so that they matched each other. Below is a list of all the sizes and orientation of each picture. Please remember that you will have 3 different alphabets and lots of different embellishments so that you can work it around whatever size photos that you want. The paper on each page is 5 ¾ x 5 ¾ so I mostly used cropped 4x6 photos.
If you have any questions prior to class please email me at
This is a list of the size photos that I used. Some of them have been cropped prior to being adhered. Use it as a guide.
4x6 vertical orientation photos-6
4x6 horizontal orientation photos-3
3 ½ x 5 horizontal photo -1
3x4 vertical photo-1
3x4 horizontal photo-1

If you have any questions, just let me know. I'll be happy to answer them.

Have a great Day!


  1. I can't wait to get my kit and dig in.
    I see you are teaching the Butterfly Album at Paper Tales.
    Will you have kits available for that class also?
    Wish I lived close to you!

  2. The class was AWESOME! Your a fab teacher! The album is super cute and easy to adjust with your own photos! DEFINITELY WORTH EVERY PENNY! Wish I could get to the butterfly class but hubby would kill me if I was gone 3 weekends in a row! HAHA! Thanks for a fantastic time Katie!
