Friday, March 6, 2009

"Lucky Me" class tomorrow

Tomorrow is the day....the day that I teach the "Lucky Me" class. I get so nervous the night before making sure that I have everything, preparing for any things that might come up...making sure that the kits are packed properly and worrying that I Will make a fool of myself teaching...or have bad breath or a bra strap showing... but I love it...and once I start teaching, I'm fine...I'm in my little world. I love getting to know the ladies and I love to see them learn something and especially love to see their finished projects.

I believe that the class is full but I do have some extra kits available. So you can contact the store ( Cool Scrapbook Stuff ) and she will ship them to you if you want. The kits will come with complete instructions and pictures of the project. The kit is packed full of every thing you need for the project besides basic supplies. You will have leftovers also.

This album is getting published so after my class the pictures will be unavailable but if you order a kit the pictures will come with the instructions.

So wish me luck on my class tomorrow!

Oh yeah, check out my post on the Pink Paislee blog.... HERE to see pictures of my layout that I did using the new lines.



  1. Katie, I love this album, the colors are very unique! Congrats on the pub too! You should never be nervous about teaching, anyone would be lucky to be in your class!!!

  2. Have fun teaching tomorrow! By the way, your cupcake album looks great in scrapbook trends-you are such a superstar!!

  3. Gorgeous as usual Katie!! I love your work!

  4. It's such a beautiful project Katie! Congrats on the publication too! You're work is so inspiring!!

  5. I'm sure your class was awesome!!! And you're not alone, I get that same feeling before I teach too... I hate it! I remember the nights before I would teach at convention... 90 ladies... dear heaven, don't even think about having a kit with a missing piece!
    Congrats on the pub...{yea}

  6. Hey Katie! This is gorgeous! I called the store and they don't have any more kits. Is there any other way to get one? I'd love to make one! Where is it being pubbed? I'd like to see more of it. Thanks.
