Wednesday, January 28, 2009

My Maya Road Butterfly Album using the NEW Pink Paislee Enchanting Line!

I am back from CHA, trying to get caught up on sleep and relaxation was busy, crazy on your feet for 10 hours a day kind of fun!

This is the Butterfly album that I did for the Pink Paislee booth using their new Enchanting Line. Very pretty sages and soft the wood grain paper!

This is actually one of those Goodwill wasn't the right shade of Pink so I used the Pink Maya Mist and like magic, it's the shade of pink that I needed. I glittered the edges of the petals with Coconut Pixee Stix glitter by Pink Paislee. It added just a little sparkle to it.

Every time I hear that song "Butterfly Kisses" it makes me think of my I used pictures that were just classic little girl throughout this is fun to just use random pictures in a mini album, instead of having a series of photos from one event. I just make them black and white and they all match and flow.

Thanks for looking and I hope that you have an "enchanted" day!

ETA- I will be teaching this as a class March 15th at Paper Tales. I'll update when I have the exact date, time and price.


  1. Beautiful!! I love those new PP papers and embellishments! Can't wait to get my hands on some! I hope you had a great time!

  2. wow this is delicious!

  3. Beautiful usual! I always LOVE your projects!

  4. Gorgeous album, Katie! I just love all the b/w photos that you've included in this album...simply timeless in beauty!

    Glad to know that you're getting some rest now that CHA is over...I can't wait to see more of your work on this blog!

    Thanks so much for sharing! :)

  5. You are so unbelievable! Everything you do Is amazing. Your envelope book from Maya Road, this album w/ PP paper, it goes on and on...will you ever teach a class, maybe at Paper Tales? I live in Temecula, I could drive down. I know you tought a class at Paper Tales already, but I don't think it was an album? Keep up the good work!

  6. Your album is just beautiful. I love the new paper.

  7. That is just darling. So lovely!

  8. So pretty and wonderful!!! Love it as always!!!

  9. I adore my sons-but I must admit in my old age I miss having a girl. This is fantastic-you are blessed.

  10. Ok...I just had to leave you a comment. I was admiring your work on 2ps. And noticed you have a Cory & a Hannah...ME TOO! Then I checked out your profile (no, I'm NOT a stalker!) and saw the shabby chic creations that I commented on long ago...even saying we were "Kinfolk" and had alot in common. Now the children's names??? CRAZY! I gotta say, I named mine first : ) Cory is 23 now & Hannah is 19. They are my treasures. ANyway...I just had to give you a shout & tell you. I love your work...feels so familiar in a bizarre way. So here's a crazy question...Are you adopted? Cuz I am!
    Hugs \o/,

  11. Absolutely beutiful.
    Glad all went well at CHA.

    Take care

  12. Absolutely gorgeous! I love your style and find it so inspiring! Glad you had a safe trip. Looking forward to more scrappin' goodnes.

  13. I love this album!! Simply Darling!

  14. i was sad we didn't get more time to chat :(
    next time!!

  15. That is going to be a lot of work for you - I want a kit!

  16. Hi Katie-

    I'm trying to email you about a Design Team opportunity I wanted to pass by you, but couldn't find your email anywhere. Could you please contact me? Thanks!!

  17. Построить дом можно и своими руками. Но, сказать по правде - это не будет очень быстро, тем более, если у вас нет достаточного опыта. Ввиду отсутствия опыта дом будет строится медленно и возможно допущение определенных ошибок. Лучше доверить строительство профессионалам.
