Friday, March 27, 2009

A Couple more Peeks and I'm outta here to a Scrap Retreat!

Ohhhh, my Maddy is a cutie pie...can you tell she is full of personality? These are a couple of pages from the book that I am doing for my next class. Sorry, that I don't have the info yet...have a few odds and ends to work out! The stuff is ordered and on it's way though so I can start packing kits. Yes, kits will be available but not through me, but through the store that I am teaching at. She will ship them also. I'll give you all the contact info soon! Promise!

This book is all about my youngest daughter being the queen of each and every one of her days. It's full of the fun things that she does day to day!

I am almost packed and ready to leave on a scrap retreat. I am SO ready. Derek just got back yesterday from a almost 3 week work up and I am D O N E !!
I am going to the beautiful retreat house that I told you about in an earlier's called Scrap Retreat House at French Valley. It's just above San I'll have the drive to chill and listen to my fave, Norah Jones...and then I'll get there and unload and start working on my next couple of classes or just scrap for the heck of it!!
It is a gorgeous house that is completely set up for scrappers or elegant and awesome!

I'll leave you with a layout (all Pink Paislee) that I did of my girls and my nieces....they are the cutest bunch together!

Hopefully I'll have lots to share with you after my retreat weekend!


  1. have fun, Katie! is your dd feeling better?

  2. What font is this? I've seen it on other layouts as well but haven't seen the name of it yet. Also, your work is unbelievable, my eyes are wide open, my mouth is open speechless and my heart is singing. Thank you for sharing your life.

  3. Hope you have a nice relaxin' and creative retreat.
    That album and the pics of your lil one are incredible!!!
    Lovin' that lo too!!!

  4. I hope you have fun and you have to tell us all baout it!

  5. Hey, I like your new watermark!! Cutest album ever, glad you get to teach with those pretty papers. Yesterday, as I was doing more laudrey here at my parents, I relized where you were off to...your much needed retreat. Hope you get the rest you deserve, some yummy food and a lovely time with friends. Can't wait to hear about your adventures.

  6. retreat? I'm mighty green with envy now! heee... that album is chock-full with gorgeousness!!! awesome works!

  7. Love your easter treats...mmmmm, M&m's. Great blog!

  8. That album has such an amazing mix of adorable accents! LOVE it and that great layout with the RED background!

  9. I love the little chicks!! Cute idea :)

  10. Katie, I just found your blog through the PP blog hop and absolutely love what you do! I'm in CO, but would love to get a hold of the kit for the class that you're teaching on the "queen of today" if it's at all possible.

    Thanks for the inspiration - I'll be checking back often!

  11. Fantastic, I'll see how this place looks like!
