Monday, February 23, 2009

~My Favorites~ My most favorite album that I have ever made....and I need to see it today...

Just needing to see some of my favorite things today.......need some bright aquas, turquoise and Pinks.......... Color therapy I think......right?

I'm a bit overwhelmed today and burned out..........Finally got Hannah in school for the first full day since her casts came off.....but have Maddy home with 102.5 degree temperature.

Derek gets home on Wednesday and I so need a break.......from this house and my kids...and my back needs a break from carrying Hannah everywhere..the walking is coming very slowly.....she hurts and her ankles are stiff.


  1. This has got to be one of my all-time favorite projects I've seen. I love everything about it, and it's almost like it was designed for me. I'm a nut for pink and pretty much all the things you listed. You should be proud of yourself, because it ROCKS! Hope you get a break soon!

  2. Very pretty Katie - hang in there and be strong! I am glad you got time to scrap and do something for you. I bet you are counting the hours until your hubbie gets home.

  3. Yup I really liked this one of yours too, and the one with the ballarina on it.

  4. I can see why this is your favorite...the colors just grab you! As always, an awesome album!!! Hope you get some relief soon and Maddie feels better. Still praying for Hannah's recovery!

  5. It is absolutely gorgeous!!! I love it!! You totally rocked that pink paislee!!!

  6. OMGosh, this book is soo cute. I see a lot of my favorite things are your fav. things too...
    Just go to that place where all military wives go to find strength, you may run into a few friends who are doing the same :). We are a rare breed, but sometimes we need those down days to realize we are still human.
    Today is new day... and it's all yours!

  7. Wow, that is beautiful. I'm a fairly new reader of your blog, but if I created an inspiration album like that, your work would certainly have a page in it!

  8. Katie, I've been stalking your blog lately, thanks to a friend (hey Michelle!) and you have the most inspiring projects! I love seeing your gorgeous creations, and this album is totally adorable! I think it's a super idea to do a favs album for ourselves!! Thanks for the inspiration!

  9. WOW this is a amazing mini book !!!
    love it sooooo much ! all the details and colors are great !!!
