Friday, January 16, 2009

My Poor Sweet Hannah....wheel chair accident yesterday...

Oh Man.....a really bad couple of days for Hannah.....I feel so bad.... I'm totally one for setting up the story before telling bear with me.
OK, I have been housebound forever it feels like....It's been a month since Hannah's surgery...and so yesterday, I dragged myself away from my CHA mess...and got ready, even did makeup and hair (amazed?) and made plans to pick up my friend Kathy..we were going to Paper Tales and out to lunch at Soup Plantation...but before that, I was taking Hannah to her school to see her class.
So, we got there and saw her classmates and even went to Maddy's class was all fun we were walking in front of the office, on the ground I spied a little wad of rolled dollar bills on the grass, just about a foot off the sidewalk on the grass... I instantly thought of the poor panicked kid who lost his little wadded up dollar bills that were his lunch
I bent down and tried to reach them but they were just out of reach on the grass so I let go of Hannah's wheel chair for just a second, just a darn second...and said, "Hannah, set your brake"...and reached for that money..and heard "MOMMY" and turned around and saw Hannah rolling off the curb...the wheelchair pitched her forward and she flew through the air, landing straight on her heels...full force..then toppled over on her knees and then the wheel chair came tumbling down on her............she just started shreiking...the most painful earpiercing screams...
I ran and grabbed her and ran to the bench...holding her and she was in the most incredible pain....I was crying..the office staff and librarian all ran out because they heard her screaming...
I felt so bad, it was awful. We called Derek who had just gotten home as we were leaving (he had duty the night before and was gone for about 30 hours so he got to come home a little early that day, thank God)...he came and picked us up and we took her straight to Children's hospital ER. She screamed the whole way there...and was dizzy and sick from the pain...
They gave her tylenol/codeine and that helped. They took X-rays and she was fine..her pins were still in place...she had scrapes on her elbows, wrists and knees and some scrapes on her casts...but OK.
I cried the whole day...I swear, I just kept picturing her flying out of her chair straight towards the pavement..totally helpless and injured..that scene replayed over and over in my head. I cried myself right into a migrane.
Oddly enough..her belt doesn't work on her wheelchair. It was broken when they delivered it. We didn't call for a new one as we weren't really going anywhere with her. So that's why she flew out..but the thing is..if she was belted in, she would have landed right on her head and had no way to escape it.
I felt so darn bad. It didn't feel like an incline on the sidewalk, I've walked it so many times that I guess it just didn't stand out to me, but it was an incline, enough for her to roll before she could put on her brake. The thing was that it was my fault, I should have made sure her brakes were on...I thought I could grab it and be fine.
So, I hope that money didn't go unclaimed, I hope that kid liked his corndogs yesterday...darn lunch money.

Then today was her big day to get her pins pulled out and new casts...well, she had 4 big (they looked like Allen wrenches) in each leg and ankle...and they pulled them with NO painkiller or anything...she screamed like there was no tomorrow...I can't believe that she didn't burst a blood vessel in her face that's how loud she screamed. It was crazy. He just grabbed a wrench plier looking thing and pulled them...a few were stuck (you form tissue around them) and pulled. I felt so bad for her.
We were in the regular casting room so there were other little kids getting casts and having them taken off...they were quite alarmed. I looked at the door and there was this little girl about 4 standing there with her Mom. She was getting a cast, looked like a recast and her little eyes were huge. I heard her say to her Mom, "Mommy, they're not doing that to me are they?". So, I walked over there and said, "No honey, they're not doing that to you...she has pins that they are pulling out, don't worry" So her mom asked me what was happening and I told her. I walked back to Hannah (this was in between legs and Derek was with her) and the lady working in the room said to me in front of everybody, "Maam, please don't discuss your case with anybody else. We don't like you discussing details with other patients" I was so irritated and a tad embarrassed. So I said, "well that little girl was terrified" and she said, "well, that is our responsiblity to tell her that"....So I said, "well, maybe when you're pulling pins you should put that patient in another room...." and that was it. I was mad and already upset as it was. Just rude...and I'm sorry, but if you are going to put 3 beds in a room with 3 kids and a line at the door and not pull the curtains or anything....then don't tell me who I am allowed to talk to. Freedom of speech, my business.
Sorry for the rant..but it's been a long 2 days...

So, Hannah is fine now...sore but now that those darn pins are out and she has colored casts...she is doing well.


  1. It is hard being a mom. Just keep giving her all that love. Bless you all, Samantha

  2. *hugs* dont beat yourself too hard!! Sending you some love :)

  3. Hey Katie dearie, I cried when I read about the accident! No wonder I didn't see you around - so much was happening to you!I'm really sorry it happened, I so wish it didn't happen to you both. I'll pack a goodie box for that little girl, I hope it'll cheer her up!

    And seriously, what is that nurse's problem?? *grr*

  4. Wow that nurse was super rude. I think you were nice comforting that other person. You can talk to who you want in the waiting room. Geesh. Glad everything went alright. Hannah is so brave. hugs

  5. glad she is okay, what a ordeal and yes i too think you had every right to tell reassure that little girl. it is your business and to heck with the nurse.. why did they not give hannah any pain meds before they took out her pins anyway???? ughhh people sometimes...

  6. I'm so sorry for Hannah's accident. Please don't blame yourself, it's not your fault, you were trying to do a good deed. Accidents happen, no matter how hard they are and who they may hurt. I know how hard it is to see our children in pain.

    I'm so sorry for you and your family, esp. Hannah for having to go through all of this. She's such a strong little girl.

    I can't believe they didn't give her anything before pulling out the pins. Wow. How heartless. And the Nurse could use a little compassion. It's your daughter's case and it's America. Freedom of Speech is right. You can talk about what you want to who you want. This should have been handled much differently.

    I'm keeping Hannah in my prayers.

  7. Oh goodness, I just feel so heartbroken for your sweet girl for going trhoguh all of this. Love and hugs to you both K!

  8. As an Ortho surgery nurse I can tell you that you are right on! IT is inhuman that they didn't give poor Hannah something before they pulled those pins out!! AWful!! To top it off they performed this in front of another child who was scared to death!! You have every right to be angry! I am angry! If you are up to it you can always talk to a patient representive person and let them know of your experience! Not acceptable! Hugs to all of you!

  9. Girl, how tough this has been on you both! But Hannah has a great mom to get her through it all- and let that Mama Tiger come out at those hsopitals, that's just fine! Carly and I can come visit since we homeschool if you need a day visitor - Hugs, Maria in Coronado where btw the lifeguards at Central Beach have sand wheelchairs...

  10. You have those feelings because you are a good mom! Just remember you didn't do it on purpose and you would die for your kids... enough said!
    My son broke his right arm twice(2 years apart), his wrist and shoulder. Both required 3 pins. The wrist one is our trauma one, the Dr. didn't like us because we were military and knew she wouldn't make money from the military. She was mean, she gave Mason 3 numbing shots...and didn't wait for them all to set, she started pulling pins out. He looked at me and started screaming so hard and loud my vision started getting dark. I truly thought I was going to pass out. She damaged some of his nerves because one got stuck and she just kept digging... ooh man, it still makes me mad to this day.
    Those who do not have a good bedside manner shouldn't be in the medical field. You're dealing with so many emotions... being heartless just makes ya want to go John Q (Denzel Movie) on them all!

    *Do you want me to make you a special apron for your Birthday?* Just let me know...

  11. Oh.My.Lord!
    Your poor thing! I would be doing my head in and crying for DAYS if that was me... I honestly don't know how you do it, you are very strong woman!

  12. Oh Katie, I'm so sorry. I hope everything is better with Hannah now. I agree, do not beat yourself up over this. I love that you beat up that nurse! She was horrid!

  13. argh
    i'm sorry katie
    sounds like hannah has been a very brave little girl
    and you've been a brave mama

  14. Katie you are absolutely right about the privacy issue-if you choose to tell another patient/
    family your business it's your business. The nurse had absolutely no right to reprimand you and I would discuss it with your physician. I know that I would want to be informed if someone in my unit was rude to a patient. The more pressing issue was that they didn't give her any pain meds before pulling out the pins, or offer you a more private space to have the procedure done. Glad the pins are out and that Hannah is feeling better!

  15. Ahhh, I got a little teary eyed reading this. I felt so bad for you reading about her rolling away and falling. Ugh! What a nightmare! I swear if my kid was in a wheelchair this would happen to me all the time, except it would have been at lunch time or something and all of the kids and teachers in the school would have watched it.

    Sounds like she is doing MUCH better today and I hope you are still able to have your few hours away with your friend. :) Hugs!

    Michelle @ AMM

  16. Just remember know matter what - Hannah loves you! What a strong mother you are to tell this story on your blog.

  17. You poor thing...I so feel for you---big hugs today and tomorrow and whenever you need them. You are a wonderful momma :)

  18. Hi Katie! This is Karin from Creative Chaos. I came her to email you but I can't seem to find your email anywhere on your blog. Then I got all caught up in the story of your daughter Hannah and her surgery....yikes! My son broke his arm when he was 3 and it required pins....but holy moly....That's alot for a litte girl!!! And with the nurse...then they need to have soundproof rooms....besides she's not the boss of you :) Anyway, if you get a chance can you email me at I would like to send you a private email. Thanks!! Karin

  19. Oh you ppor thing!!! Big hugs....

  20. Hi, I'm new to your blog and I just read this and had to comment and say that I have NO respect for the vast majority of the medical care facilities, at least the ones I've dealt with and definitely your experience confirms this. They REALLY don't get just how darn personal it is to have to be treated for ANYTHING. I'm glad you said something to the 4yr old and her mom and I would have told them you demand more privacy in the future. Just ridiculous. We are human beings, not just random lumps of flesh with no feelings or emotions. Ok, I'll cool down now. I really enjoy your projects - it inspires me to scrap! :) -ElizabethB
