Monday, December 29, 2008

Hostess Gifts and trying to get back to normal....

I know, always a dual topic post for me...Anyway, a lot to catch up on....busy week.

Last year, I was short a gift for a family member that I don't know all that well. She's very elegant and has oodles of money so she can buy what she wants and I definitely cannot afford to shop at the stores that she shops I was a little stumped...Derek wanted to get her a bottle of Bailey's but that sounded so plain to an idea blossomed. I decided to use one of the cutsie wine bottle holders that we had and make it into an elegant altered wine bottle holder. So this is last years version.

Just start with a wine bottle holder...paint any edges that might be exposed a should also sand the surface a little bit..they are usually a slick shiny paper and it will be easier for you to adhere your paper if it's a little roughed up.

This one I did using Pink Paislee's Tinsel Town, Pixie Stix glitter and a Maya Road Scallop frame. It's also on the Pink Paislee Blog right now.

another one...the pics aren't great on these next two..trying to take pics at night with poor lighting doesn't make for pretty pics!

A square turned out so pretty!

For a small amount of money and a little time, you can create a beautiful Hostess gift....imagine the possibilities...birthday champagne, wine parties, bunco gifts etc...

Next....the evening of the 23rd, while my sister and I were sitting at my table making these wine bottle holders.....the doorbell rang. Odd, not expecting someone...heard the grumble of the motor, just like a UPS truck...hmm...they're working late tonight....opened the door to see Nikki and Keri Long (Hannah's best friend from last year and her Mom, the sweetest of all people)at the door...a surprise visit for Hannah...but they opened the door and behind them was this--->

Danny, Keri's Dad is the Youth Pastor at the Jamul Church and they had driven the bus to our house to sing Hannah some Christmas Carol's...
Derek carried her out there in the cold and they sang to her. She was so surprised, touch and a little tiny bit embarrassed. It was great, totally touched my heart. We don't even go to that church. So sweet of them to think of her, housebound at Christmas....I need to make more of an effort to be friends with them, they are a nice, nice family.

Speaking of Hannah...she's doing much better. She is SO heavy though...oh man, when Derek goes back to work, I am going to have such a hard time....trying to get her to the bathroom is so hard....yikes.
We took her back to Children's Hospital the day after Christmas because she was having incredible pain in her right ankle. They cut the heel out of her cast to look at it..and turns out, she had no had become saturated with blood and when it dried, was all hard and crispy...and had moved it was rubbing on her they repadded it and taped the cast back together...and she is much better now.
So, now what to do with Maddy...she is bored out of her mind...she has lost her #1 playmate...we're trying.

We're headed up to Julian to stay at Derek's parents house for a couple of days...we HAVE got to get out of this house...

A couple more things..............Maya Road is doing an early release give away. They have made some Valentine's see the giveaway and the products go HERE.

This is my last couple days of being a Pink Paislee DT term is up. They will be picking a new team and announcing it on January 1st....exciting times for some lucky girls...can't wait to see the list!! DT Contest Announcement.
What a great time I have had being on the Pink Paislee DT...the product is just darn pretty...and did you hear that they have 4 new releases for CHA-W! Can't wait to see them, sure we'll be amazed! Holly McCaig is just an incredible designer, her product lines rock the world...and Rebecca and Barry are the nicest easy to work for and SO generous!! Thanks for having me be a part of your team!!


  1. What a great surprise for Hannah!
    I love your wine boxes and will use that idea next year.
    Where do you find those white bells? Hope you get a chance to relax while you are visiting friends. Warm Blessings...Becky

  2. These are gorgeous - I saw them on the PP site and had to drop by!

    And what a lovely thing for the church group to do for Hannah :)

  3. Oh my gosh, how sweet is that they they came to visit her, that really brought me to tears! I love to see the good in people, which is hard to find these days. I hope she is beginning to feel better!

    Your wine box is absolutely stunning! I love the bell on it. The perfect touch.

  4. What a wonderful surprise. It brought tears to my eyes. I am so glad Hannah is doing better. She looks much better in these photos than the last. I am so happy for her.

  5. are you teaching at paper tales soon?
