Friday, January 9, 2009

Hi! I'm still here!

Oh dear, is life busy around the holidays and CHA time....I get buried in projects for CHA and cannot seem to justify spending an hour updating my blog after I feel like I have already put my family on the back burner for hours...
That is CHA..It's like cramming for a final...crazy busy! Fun busy, exciting busy and bursting with wanting to share all the new product!! Soon....just a couple of weeks.
I can share with you the Kenner Road layout that I did last week with December's Kenner Road kit (her best yet, it's gorgeous!)...Remember that I won a 6 month subscription to her kits...I have had a blast using them. I have them all stacked on my desk so that I can go back and do more with kills me to not use them all up...very cool stuff!!

Only a cool monogram letter like this would have me out in the garage in the middle of the night getting chicken wire to make a project....chicken wire that I retrieved from someones recycle bin on trash day...I guess it's considered recyclable, right? I sure recycled it!!

This was a little fun thing that I made with November's kit. I just fell in love with the old player piano music fun. Of course these are the Goodwill roses that I still have a huge stash of....saving for the perfect class....along with a zillion other trinkets!

My friend Lisa Pace is doing another online workshop. This one is called "Cupid's Workshop" and it is cute....cause she's my friend, I got to peek at some of the projects...can you say, Stunning? She never lets down..always that elegant vintage look!

You can go HERE to register for her workshop.....
I get to see this Texas Redhead soon!! I'm excited to hang out at CHA with her...she is my buddy! She is a hoot for sure and we always have a blast!

Hannah is doing much better.....she gets her pins out next week..and then gets new casts....she hurts a lot, mostly at night...she will ask us for Motrin only about once a day...that's it though. No more Lortab...thank god, it hurt her tummy...
I caught her little Ken/Barbie love story unfolding....

Cory is doing OK....we struggle..teens are hard....He did however get his learners permit...and his behind the wheel teacher was a trip...his toupee was kicking though....and the guys car broke down when they got home and Cory had to jump him (that's a for sure A+) right?

Ok, off to make dinner and make up to my family that I spent the day in jammies working on CHA stuff!!


Jennifer Stewart said...

Hi, Katie!

I love that layout. So pretty! I know CHA time is completely crazy, so I hope you get a rest soon! :)

I think design teamers need to do make-ahead freezer cooking not for the holidays, but for CHA creating time. ha!


BethW said...

Bless Hannah's heart-I so feel for her. And you-I had 4 boys with 13 years between the oldest and youngest. I had teenage male drivers FOREVER! You are in my prayers.

wendy vecchi said...

As always...I LOVE LOVE LOVE everything you do.

Glad to hear Hannah is better. I think of her often.

See you soon...VERY soon.

Michelle M White said...

The driving lesson photos would make a great sample page for our store! I LOVE those photos!!! (Barbie and ken are pretty good too!)

Anonymous said...

I am so glad Hannah is doing better! What a trooper!
I have a 15 year old too, so I feel your pain!
My DD is 13 so I have two teens!
Teenagers are rough!
Give me a toddler anyday!
Have fun at CHA!
Lisa P. rocks!

Anonymous said...

so happy to hear hannah is feeling a bit better, she's one tought cookie!

layouts are gorgeous, as always!

Leslee said...

Hang in there, Katie,

I survived 2 teenage girls driving.

Always love your projects.

Leslee in MT

Shelley Haganman said...

You are so funny!! I love your chicken wire by the way!!! As a fellow "Goodwill hoarder of things for future use" I say AMEN to that! LOVE,LOVE,LOVE, the monograms. Great stuff!! Keep us up to date on the Ken/Barbie thing!I am glad to hear Hannah is feeling better! Get some sleep girl!

Anonymous said...

Katie -I'm new to your blogs. I'm trying to read them all and follow you and your family, but I'm stuck on the Hannah story. What happened to her? Your pictures and your blogs tell a lot of her story, but maybe I haven't gotten to it all yet! She's a beautiful little girl. Hopefully she's all healed now! I have five children, one now turning 30 on July 8th (a doctor in her 3rd year of residency), and our four boys are all ages 20 to 23! We did have a set of twins as our last two, and I swear, if they were the first two, we might only have two kids, not five. I love your work, and although I realize that you probably get a million emails or blog messages, I'd love to send you a few pictures of altered items that I've done that have "you" written all over them. I'm a Maya Road addict!!!
Kathy Stark